New Grad/Computer Scientist
Toronto, ON
November 10th, 2001
Oompa loompa doompadee dah. If you're not spoilt, then you will go far. You will live in happiness too, Like the oompa loompa doompadee do!
— Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, 1971Around the time I started learning how to program, I meddled with 3-D modelling. Although I did not continue pursuing this skill, I did make one model that I was quite proud of: an R2-D2 keychain.
Even though I'm sure it has been done better by others, feel free to mess around with the model if you are so inclined. However, if you are tempted to print it, I'm not sure if it will be structurally sound, so please take that into account.
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