Ryan B. Green


New Grad/Computer Scientist

Toronto, ON

November 10th, 2001

  • University of Toronto
  • Trinity College
  • Gryffindor


Python Software


Thank you for stopping by!
Click here if you would like to give feedback! Have a great day,
- Ryan B. Green

Quote From the Film of the Hour:

Joshua/WOPR: SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? David: Oh! Jennifer: I think it missed him. David: Yeah. Weird isn't it? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War. Joshua/WOPR: WOULDN'T YOU PREFER A NICE GAME OF CHESS? David: Later. Let's play Global Thermonuclear War. Joshua/WOPR: FINE.

WarGames, 1983

2020-08-17 15:19:31

Galaga Bouncing Animation

After backing JazzNESs on Kickstarter in 2017, I was inspired to make my third official Processing.py project: a bouncing animation (à la a DVD player's sleep screen) themed after my favourite game on the album: Galaga.

I created a simple edge-detection program that caused the player's ship from Galaga to bounce off the left and right sides of the screen, then added a little joystick that swayed back-and-forth, "controlling" the swaying of the logo. Then, I overlayed a CRT filter to bring back the game's original style and played the Galaga tune included on JazzNESs.

The result was a cool little looping animation that I occasionally open up on my second monitor when I'm bored.

Check out the GitHub repository to see the code and download the program if you want to see it for yourself:

Go to GitHub Page

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